Sunday, July 17, 2011

Make Me Worthy

My Lord Jesus,
I find it difficult to talk to you;
What can I say?
I, who have turned away from you so often with indifference;
I have been a stranger to prayer,
undeserving of your friendship and your love.

I have been without honor, and feel unworthy.
I am a weak and shallow creature,
Clever only in the second rate and worldly arts,
seeking my comfort and pleasure.
I gave my love, such as it was, elsewhere
Putting service to my earthly king before my duty to You.

But now, they have made me the shepherd of your flock,
and guardian of Your Church.
Please Lord,
Teach me now, how to serve You with all my heart,
to know at least how it is really to love, to adore,
so that I may worthily administer
Your Kingdom here on earth, and find my true honor in observing Your Divine Will

Please Lord,
Make me worthy!

St. Thomas Becket

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